Wood Patio Furniture Sets

wood patio furniture

Wood patio furniture sets are available  in a lot of varieties from furniture design, colors, built and the type of wood used.  So what are the latest wood patio furniture trends that you can take advantage of when reviewing your patio furniture needs? This article will outline some of the furniture trends so you can make an informed decision about what to look… Continue reading

Wicker Furniture for Outdoor Use

wicker furniture for outdoor use

There are a few options when it comes to patio furniture. One of them is wicker furniture. To clear up the confusion, wicker is not actually a material but a way of doing or creating. When looking at the proper definition, wicker is a noun which is described as “pliable twigs, typically willow or woven to make items such as furniture and baskets”. But, what is rattan then? Rattan is… Continue reading
