furniture refinishing

Design Ideas

Furniture Repair, The Ultimate How To Guide

Furniture repair may seem out of questions for some people. Most of the time, we tend to buy new things, because something broke rather than fixing it ourselves first. For those that want to throw away money, that’s their prerogative.

However, we enjoy fixing furniture and wanted to share this in-depth guide on how to fix broken wood furniture. Besides, who doesn’t love a great DIY project.

So whether you have… Continue reading

Design Ideas

Furniture Refinishing Tips and Tricks

Looking for furniture refinishing tips and tricks? Rather than buying new, restoring old wooden furniture is one of the best ways to bring your favourite pieces to life. Often, old furniture is neglected which results into build-up of dirt and grime. If left uncared for, this will eventually lead to faded colours and shine. Consequently, your favourite wooden furniture becomes dull in appearance. Most people that have antique furniture in… Continue reading