Furniture rental for staging and home decor has been a popular practice among real estate professionals when selling a house. If you’re considering staging a house, you’ve come to the right place. In this article we’ll be looking at three main areas to consider while you’re looking for furniture rental for staging and home decor. Whether you are a real estate professional, an individual that wants to sell a house privately or offering a rental place, this information is for you.
Furniture Staging
Furniture rental inventory
The first and most important thing to consider when shopping around for furniture rental is inventory. There are plenty of furniture stores that offer rentals however, most of these stores are very limited in their offering. The reason for this is that holding a large furniture inventory is very expensive.
The same goes for home decor pieces too. Items such as throw pillows, pictures, art work, decorative pieces and other furniture accessories. A lot of the stores that offer furniture rental therefore have out of style items, given the cost of operating the business, they can’t purchase the latest trendy home decor accessories.
Our advise is to look for newly opened furniture rentals stores that offer modern pieces for staging a house. Consider their warehouse space. The larger the warehouse, the more furniture variety will be offered. Some furniture stores that offer rental pieces for staging allow you to see their inventory online. So browse around before going. This way, you can save time and money. At the same time, it’ll allow you to see their entire offering whether you’re looking for a contemporary or modern home decor.
Cost of furniture rental for staging and home decor
The cost of furniture rental also plays a large factor when making a decision when stating a house. Ideally, you’ll want to have a good balance between staging a house with the most beautiful pieces you can. This will help with attracting buyers or renters in a short period of time, giving you a shorter payback on your furniture rental cost.
Bonus tip: consider the cost and hassle of storing all furniture that is needed. Once you have a number, shop and compare for the best deals in your area. This will provide you with a base point so you know how much you should spend for your furniture rental for staging.
Another thing to look for is “instant quotes” or at least furniture stores that will offer same-day quotes for furniture rentals. This comes in handy as you’ll have more time to shop around versus driving around aimlessly. Ideally you’ll want to pick a few stores that offer both an online inventory availability as well as giving you a price quotation the same day.
Time and delivery
You must also inquire about timing and delivery. This will give you an exact timeframe that you can have it for staging a house. For example, is the staging needed for taking some high-end photos for advertising purposes? In this case, you can rent for one to two days. Are the furniture pieces needed for the duration of an open house or for a longer period until the house is sold or rented out? Consider your goal first before committing to furniture rental for staging as this will save you time and money.
Tip: if you’ve been given a price for a certain period of time, negotiate on delivery terms. Most furniture shops are willing to bargain on delivery cost. This is especially true when the furniture will be rented out for a longer period of time. So ask for a discount on your delivery and see what it can be worked out. Don’t be shy.
Partner with staging professionals
You may be busy. We all are. So if you think that staging a house and picking the right furniture and home decor eats too much of your time, consider partnering or hiring a staging professional. Pending cost, this can save you a lot of hassle and time. Although you may think that you know what’s in style or what “rents or sells”, most staging professionals are trained to spot the latest home decor trends in the market. Ask for referrals or do a quick search and look for feedback. You may be able to get a great person to help you speed up your house staging process at a deal.
These are some of the critical areas to consider when looking for furniture rental for stating a house. Please share with us what are some other things to consider. We’ll love to know more and help others in their house staging process.